Reformer: Brattleboro to host career expo this week

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Jack Hornbeck, who helps recruit employees at Swiss Precision, said the company is eager to be a part of the region’s first career expo.

Hornbeck said it has been a challenge to find workers with the necessary skills to fill high tech positions at the small company.

Swiss Precision has 18 employees and growth there can be slowed when there are not enough people to run the machines.

“We’ve exhausted a lot of situations. We’re looking from Keene, New Hampshire to Springfield, Massachusetts,” he said. “Hopefully this is going to give us a chance to meet people and have them see what we do. Maybe someone will come in and take a look at Swiss Precision. It can give us exposure and see some of the local talent out there.”

Altstadt said the career expo is being held as one strategy in the region’s attempt to jump start the local economy.

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